(530) 902-8135

Dept of Plant Sciences - PES 2227, U.C. Davis - One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616


  1. bristlecone_header


The general research interests of the Malcolm North Lab are stand dynamics, disturbance regimes, and ecosystem processes of western coniferous forests. In particular, we’ve focused on understanding how disturbance alters forest structure producing changes that propagate through the ecosystems’ processes, food webs, and species diversity.


Areas in which the UC Davis North Lab are actively working include:

• Ecological restoration of fire-suppressed forests

• Effects of management and fire on forest carbon storage and emissions

• Ecological effects of fuels reduction treatments

• Mechanisms of range shift in sky island sub-alpine forests

• Mixed conifer response to drought: carbon starvation or cavitation

• Large tree growth and mortality response to climate, fire, and management practices

• Demography and regeneration dynamics of fire-dependent forests

• The structure and microclimate of forest canopies

• Tree spatial pattern development in fire-dependent forests

• Forest understory herb and shrub communities


Some of the field sites where the lab has worked:

Teakettle Experimental Forest (Lead P.I.: Malcolm North)

            The Teakettle Experiment

            The Teakettle Ecosystem Experiment


Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest (STEF) (Lead P.I.: Eric Knapp)

         Variable Density Thinning Study

         Methods of Cutting Study

Malcolm North Publications


Google Scholar Profile



Hurteau, M.D., M.J. Goodwin, C. Marsh, H.S.J. Zald, B. Collins, M. Meyer, and M.P. North. 2024. Managing fire-prone forests in a time of decreasing carbon carrying capacity.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2801. [PDF]


Chen, J., K.T. Paw U, M. North, and J.F. Franklin. 2024.  The contributions of microclimate information in advancing ecosystem science.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 355: 110105. [PDF]


Dobrowski, S.Z., M.M. Aghai, A.C. du Lac, R. Downer, J. Fargione, D.L. Haase, T. Hoecker, O.A. Kildisheva, A. Murdoch, S. Newman, M. North, P. Saksa, M. Sjoholm, T. Baribault, M.S. Buonanduci, M.E. Chambers, L. Gonzales-Kramer, B.J. Harvey, M.D. Hurteau, J. Loevner, H.D. Safford, and J. Sloan. 2024. ‘Mind the Gap’—reforestation needs vs. reforestation capacity in the western United States.  Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 7: 1402124. [PDF]


North, M.P., S.M. Bisbing, D.L. Hankins, P.F. Hessburg, M.D. Hurteau, L.N. Kobziar, M.D. Meyer, A.E. Rhea, S.L. Stephens, and C.S. Stevens-Rumann. 2024.  Strategic fire zones are essential to wildfire risk reduction in the Western United States. Fire Ecology 20:50. [PDF]


Jonko, A., J. Oliveto, T. Beaty, A. Atchley, M.A. Battaglia, M.B. Dickinson, M.R. Gallagher, A. Gilbert, D. Godwin, J.A. Kupfer, J.K. Hiers, C. Hoffman, M. North, J. Restaino, C. Sieg and N. Skowronski.  2024.  How will future climate change impact prescribed fire across the contiguous United States?  npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 7: 96. (doi.org/10.1038/s41612-024-00649-7). [PDF]


Zald, H.S.J., C.J. May, A.N. Gray, M.P. North, and M.D. Hurteau. 2024. Thinning and prescribed burning increase shade-tolerant conifer regeneration in a fire excluded mixed-conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 551: 121531. [PDF]



Chamberlain, C.P., G.R. Cova, C.A. Cansler, M.P. North, M.D. Meyer, S.M.A. Jeronimo, and V.R. Kane.  2023.  Consistently heterogenous structures observed at multiple spatial scales across fire-intact reference sites.  Forest Ecology and Management 550: 121478. [PDF]


Chamberlain, C.P., G.R. Cova, V.R. Kane, C.A. Cansler, J.T. Kane, B.N. Bartl-Geller, L. van Wagtendonk, S.M.A. Jeronimo, P. Stine, and M.P. North. 2023. Sierra Nevada reference conditions: A dataset of contemporary reference sites and corresponding remote sensing-derived forest structure metrics for yellow pine and mixed-conifer forests. Data in Brief 51: 109807. [PDF]


Long, J.W., D. Walsh, M. Coppoletta, R.E. Tompkins, M.D. Meyer, C. Isbell, G.N. Bohlman, and M.P. North. 2023.  Interventions to restore wildfire-altered forests in California.  USDA Forest Service, PSW Research Station, PSW-GTR-278. 105pp. [PDF]


Kane, V.R., B.N. Bartl-Geller, G.R. Cova, C.P. Chamberlain, L. van Wagtendonk, and M.P. North.  2023.  Where are the large trees? A census of Sierra Nevada large trees to determine their frequency and spatial distribution across three large landscapes.  Forest Ecology and Management 546: 121351. [PDF]


May, C.J., H.S.J. Zald, M.P. North, A.N. Gray, and M.D. Hurteau. 2023.  Repeated burns fail to restore pine regeneration to the natural range of variability in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, USA.  Restoration Ecology: e13863. [PDF]


Cova, G., V.R. Kane, S. Prichard, M. North and C.A. Cansler. 2023.  The outsized role of California’s largest wildfires in changing forest burn patterns and coarsening ecosystem scale.  Forest Ecology and Management 528: 120620. [PDF]




Goodwin, M.J., L.P. Kerhoulas, H.S.J. Zald, M.P. North and MD. Hurteau. 2022. Conifer water-use patterns across temporal and topographic gradients in the southern Sierra Nevada.  Tree Physiology: doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpac124.[PDF]


Jones, G.M., E.K. Vraga, P.F. Hessburg, M.D. Hurteau, C.D. Allen, R.E. Keane, T.A. Spies, M.P. North, B.M. Collins, M.A. Finney, J.M. Lydersen, and A.L. Westerling. 2022. Counteracting wildfire misinformation.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20: 392-393. [PDF]  Web Table [PDF]


Margolis, E.Q., C.H. Guiterman, R.D. Chavardes, J.D. Coop, K. Copes-Gerbitz, D.A. Dawe, D.A. Falk, J.D. Hohnston, E. Larson, H. Li, J.M. Marschall, C.E. Naficy, A.T. Naito, M.A. Parisien, S.A. Parks, J. Portier, H.M. Poulos, K.M. Robertson, J.H. Spper, M. Stambaugh, T.W. Swetnam, A.J. Tepley, I. Thapa, C.D. Allen, Y. Bergeron, L.D. Daniels, P.Z. Fule, D. Gervais, M.P. Girardin, G.L. Harley, J.E. Harvey, K.M. Hoffman, J.M. Huffman, M.D. Hurteau, L.B. Hohnson, C.W. Lafon, M.K. Lopez, R.S. Maxwell, J. Meunier, M. North, M.T. Rother, M.R. Schmidt, R.L. Sherriff, LA. Stachowiak, A. Taylor, E.J. Taylor, V. Trouet, M.L. Villarreal, L.L. Yocom, K.B. Arabas, A.H. Arizpe, D. Arseneault, A.A. Tarancon, C. Baisan, E. Bigio, F. Biondi, G.D. Cahalan, A. Caprio, J. Cerano-Paredes, B.M. Collins, D.C. Dey, I. Drobyshev, C. Farris, M.A. Fenwick, W. Flatley, M.L. Floyd, Z. Gedalof, A. Holz, L.F. Hoaward, D.W. Huffman, J. Iniguez, K.F. Kipfmueller, S.G. Kitchen, K. Lombardo, D. McKenzie, A.G. Merschel, K.L. Metlen, J. Minor, C.D. O’Connor, L. Platt, W.J. Platt, T. Saladyga, A.B. Stan, S. Stephens, C. Sutheimer, R. Touchan, P.J. Weisberg.  2022. The North American tree-ring fire-scar network.  Ecosphere 13: e4159. [PDF]


Fertel, H.M., M.P. North, A.M. Latimer, and J. Ng.  2022.  Growth and spatial patterns of natural regeneration in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests with a restored fire regime.  Forest Ecology and Management 519: 120270. [PDF]


Zald, H.S.J., C.C. Callahan, M.D. Hurteau, J.J. Goodwin, and M.P. North. 2022. Tree growth responses to extreme drought after mechanical thinning and prescribed fire in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, USA.  Forest Ecology and Management 510: 120107. [PDF]


North, M.P., R.E. Tompkins, A.A. Bernal, B.M. Collins, S.L. Stephens, and R.A. York. 2022.  Operational resilience in western US frequent-fire forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 507: 120004. [PDF]


Merriam, K.E., M.D. Meyer, M. Coppoletta, R.J. Butz, B.L. Estes, C.A. Farris, and M.P. North.  2022.  Reestablishing natural fire regimes to restore forest structure in California’s red fir forests: The importance of regional context.  Forest Ecology and Management 503: 119797.[PDF]



Goodwin, M.J., H.S.J. Zald, M.P. North, and H.D. Hurteau.  2021.  Climate-driven tree mortality and fuel aridity increase wildfire’s potential heat flux.  Geophysical Research Letters 48: e2021GL094954. [PDF]


Steel, Z.L., M.D. Meyer, M.P. North, A. Wuenschel, and S.M. Ostoja.  2021.  Reforestation tool for tree mortality landscapes.  Appendix 7 in Postfire Restoration Framework for National Forest in California.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-270: 191-192. [PDF]


Hagmann, R.K., P.F. Hessburg, S.J. Prichard, N.A. Povak, P.M. Brown, P.Z. Fulé, R.E. Keane, E.E. Knapp, J.M. Lydersen, K.L. Metlen, M.J. Reilly, A.J. Sánchez Meador, S.L. Stephens, J.T. Stevens, A.H. Taylor, L.L. Yocom, M.A. Battaglia, D.J. Churchill, L.D. Daniels, D.A. Falk, P. Henson, J.D. Johnston, M.A. Krawchuk, C.R. Levin, G.W. Meigs, A.G. Merschel, M.P. North, H.D. Safford, T.W. Swetnam, and A.E.M. Waltz. 2021.  Evidence for widespread changes in the structure, composition, and fire regimes of western North American forests.  Ecological Applications. https://doi.org/10.1002/E02431. [PDF]


Prichard, S.J., P.F. Hessburg, R.K. Hagmann, N.A. Povak, S.Z. Dobrowski, M.D. Hurteau, V.R. Kane, R.E. Keane, L.N. Kobziar, C.A. Kolden, M. North, S.A. Parks, H.D. Safford, J.T. Stevens, L.L. Yocom, D.J. Churchill, R.W. Gray, D.W. Huffman, F.K. Lake, and P. Khatri-Chhetri. 2021.  Adapting western North American forests to climate change and wildfires: ten common questions.  Ecological Applications. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2433. [PDF]

Storyboard: Adapting Western US Forests to Climate Change & Wildfires: Ten Common Questions


North, M.P., R.A. York, B.M. Collins, M.D. Hurteau, G.M. Jones, E.E. Knapp, L. Kobziar, H. McCann, M.D. Meyer, S.L. Stephens, R.E. Tompkins, and C.L. Tubbesing.  2021.  Pyrosilviculture needed for landscape resilience of dry western U.S. forests.  Journal of Forestry 119: 520-544. [PDF]


Sousa, D., JB. Fisher, F.R. Galvan, R.P. Pavlick, S. Cordell, T.W. Giambelluca, C.P. Giardina, G.S. Gilbert, F. Imran-Narahari, C.M. Litton. J.A. Lutz, M.P. North, D.A. Orwig, R. Ostertag, L. Sack, and R.P. Phillips.  2021.  Tree canopies reflect mycorrhizal composition.  Geophysical Research Letters 48: e2021GL092764. [PDF]


Kramer, H.A., G.M. Jones, V.R. Kane, B. Bartl-Geller, J.T. Kane, S.A. Whitmore, W.J. Berigan, B.P. Dotters, K.N. Roberts, S.C. Sawyer, J.J. Keane, M.P. North, R.J. Gutiérrez, and M.Z. Peery.  2021.  Elevational Gradients strongly mediate habitat selection patterns in a nocturnal predator.  Ecosphere 12: e03500. [PDF]


Smithers, B.V., F. Alongi, and M.P. North. 2021.  Live fast, die young: Climate shifts may favor Great Basin bristlecone pine or limber pine in sub-alpine forest establishment.  Forest Ecology and Management 494 (doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119339). [PDF]


Jaffe, M.R., B.M. Collins, J. Levine, H. Northrop, F. Malandra, D. Krofcheck, M.D. Hurteau, S.L. Stephens, and M. North.  In press.  Prescribed fire shrub consumption in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research. [PDF]


Odland, M.C., J.J. Goodwin, B.V. Smithers, M.D. Hurteau, and M.P. North.  2021.  Plant community response to thinning and repeated fire in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest understories.  Forest Ecology and Management 495: 119361. [PDF]


Coppoletta, M., Meyer, M.D., and M.P. North. 2021. Natural range of variation for red fir and subalpine forests in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-269. Albany, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. 175 p. [PDF]


Meyer, M.D., J.W. Long, H.D. Safford, S.C. Sawyer, M.P. North, and A.M. White. 2021.  Principles of postfire restoration.  Pages 1-30 in M.D. Meyer, J.W. Long, and H.D. Safford (eds.) Postfire restoration framework for National Forests in California.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-270.  204 pp. [PDF]


Steel, Z.L., M.J. Goodwin, M.D. Meyer, G.A. Fricker, H.S.J. Zald, M.D. Hurteau, and M.P. North.  2021.  Do forest fuel reduction treatments confer resistance to beetle infestation and drought mortality?  Ecosphere 12: e03344. [PDF]


Koontz, M.J., A.M. Latimer, L.A. Mortenson, C.J. Fettig, and M.P. North.  2021.  Cross-scale interaction of host tree size and climatic water deficit governs bark beetle-induced tree mortality.  Nature Communications: 12: 129. [PDF]


Stephens, S.L., M.A. Battaglia, D.J. Churchill, B.M. Collins, M. Coppoletta, C.M. Hoffman, J.M. Lydersen, M.P. North, R.A. Parson, S.M. Ritter, and J.T. Stevens.  2021.  Forest restoration and fuels reduction: Convergent or divergent?  Bioscience doi:10.1093/biosci/biaa134 [PDF]


Knapp, E.E., A.A. Bernal, J.M. Kane, C.J. Fettig, and M.P. North. 2021.  Variable thinning and prescribed fire influence tree mortality and growth during and after a severe drought.  Forest Ecology and Management 479: 118595 [PDF].



Jones, G.M., R.J. Gutierrez, W.M. Block, P.C. Carlson, E J. Comfort, S.A. Cushman, R.J. Davis, S.A. Eyes, A.B. Franklin, J.L. Ganey, S. Hedwall, J.J. Keane, R. Kelsey, D.B. Lesmeister, M.P. North, S.L. Roberts, J.T. Rockweit, J.S. Sanderlin, S.C. Sawyer, B. Solvesky, D.J. Tempel, H.Y. Wan, A.L. Westerling, G.C. White, and M.Z. Peery. 2020. Spotted owls and forest fire: Comment. Ecosphere 11(12): e03312. 10.1002/ecs2.3312. [PDF]


Smithers, B.V. and M.P. North.  2020.  Mechanisms of species range shift: germination and early survival of Great Basin bristlecone pine and limber pine.  Plant Soil: doi 10.1007  [PDF]


Goodwin, M.J., M.P. North, H.S.J. Zald, and M.D. Hurteau.  2020.  Changing climate reallocates the carbon debt of frequent-fire forests.  Global Change Biology 26: 6180-6189.  [PDF]


Coop, J.D., S.A. Parks, C.S. Stevens-Rumann, S.D. Crausbay, P.E. Higuera, MD. Hurteau, A. Tepley, E. Whitman, T. Assal, B.M. Collins, K.T. Davis, S. Dobrowski, D.A. Falk, P.J. Fornwalt, P.Z. Fulé, B.J. Harvey, V.R. Kane, C.E. Littlefield, E.Q. Margolis, M. North, M.A. Parisien, S. Prichard, and K.C. Rodman.  2020. Wildfire-driven forest conversion in Western North American landscapes.  Bioscience: doi:10.1093/biosci/biaa061. [PDF]


Knapp, E.E., R.L. Carlson, M.P. North, J.L. Lydersen and B.M. Collins. 2020.  Restoring forest heterogeneity with thinning and prescribed fire: Initial results from the central Sierra Nevada, California. Pages 216-226 in Pile, L.S.; Deal, R.L.; Dey, D.C.; Gwaze, D.; Kabrick, J.M.; Palik, B.J.; Schuler, T.M., comps. The 2019 National Silviculture Workshop: a focus on forest management-research partnerships. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-193. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. [PDF]


Ng, J., M.P. North, A.J. Arditti, M.R. Cooper, and J.A. Lutz.  2020.  Topographic variation in tree group and gap structure in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests with active fire regimes.  Forest Ecology and Management 472: 118220. [PDF]


Koontz, M.J., M.P. North, C.M. Werner, S.E. Rick and A.M. Latimer.  2020.  Local forest structure variability increases resilience to wildfire in dry western U.S. coniferous forests.  Ecology Letters: doi 10.1111/ele.13447. [PDF]



Fettig, C.J., A. Wuenschel, J. Balachowski, R.J. Butz, A.L. Jacobsen, M.P. North, S.M. Ostoja, R.B. Pratt, and R.B. Standiford. 2019. Drought management recommendations for California. Pages 71-93 in: Vose, J., T. Patel-Weynand, D.L. Peterson, and C.H. Luce, eds. Drought impacts on U.S. forests and rangelands: Translating science into management responses. WO-GTR-98. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington Office. [PDF]


Kane, V.R., B.N. Bartl-Geller, M. P. North, J.T. Kane, J.M. Lydersen, S.M.A. Jeronimo, B.M. Collins, and L.M. Moskal.  2019.  First-entry wildfires can create opening and tree clump patterns characteristic of resilient forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 454: 117659. [PDF]


Fricker, G.A., J.D. Ventura, J.A. Wolf, M.P. North, F.W. Davis, and J. Franklin.  2019.  A convolutional neural network classifier identifies tree species in mixed-conifer forest from hyperspectral imagery. Remote Sensing 11: 2326. [PDF]


Meyer, M. and M. North.  2019.  Natural range of variation of red fir and subalpine forests in the Sierra Nevada Bioregion.  PSW-GTR-263.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA. 135pp. [PDF]


Levine, C.R., C.V. Cogbill, B.M. Collins, A.J. Larson, J.A. Lutz, M.P. North, C.M. Restaino, H.D. Safford, S.L. Stephens, and J.J. Battles.  2019.  Estimating historical forest density from land-survey data: A response to Baker and Williams (2018).  Ecological Applications (doi: 10.1002/eap.1968).  [PDF]


Stephens, S.L., L. Kobziar, B.M. Collins, R. Davis, P. Fulé, W. Gaines, J. Ganey, J. Guldin, P. Hessburg, K. Hiers, S. Hoagland, J. Keane, R Master, A. McKellar, W. Montague, M.P. North, and T. Spies. 2019. Is fire “for the birds”?  How two rare species drive fire management across the United States.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 391-397.  [PDF]


Hessburg, P.F., C.L. Miller, N.A. Povak, A.H. Taylor, P.E. Higuera, S.J. Prichard, M.P. North, B.M. Collins, M.D. Hurteau, A J. Larson, C.D. Allen, S.L. Stephens, H.R. Huerta, C. Stevens-Rumann, L.D. Daniels, Z. Gedalof, R.W. Gray, V.R. Kane, D.J. Churchill, R.K. Hagmann, T.A. Spies, S.A. Parks, C.A. Cansler, R.T. Belote, T.T. Veblen, M.A. Battaglia, C. Hoffman, C.N. Skinner, H.D. Safford. 2019.  Climate, environment, and disturbance history govern resilience of western North American forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 239 [PDF]


Hurteau, M.D., M.P. North, G.W. Koch, and B.A. Hungate.  2019.  Managing for disturbance stabilizes forest carbon.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116: 10193-10195.  [PDF]


Lind, B.M., M.P. North, P.E. Maloney, and A.J. Eckert.  2019.  Effect of fire and thinning on fine-scale genetic structure and gene flow in fire-suppressed populations of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.).  Forest Ecology and Management 447: 115-129. [PDF]


Jeronimo, S.M.A., V.R. Kane, D.JU. Churchill, J.A. Lutz, M.P. North, G.P. Asner, and J.F. Franklin.  2019.  Forest structure and pattern vary by climate and landform across active-fire landscapes in the montane Sierra Nevada.  Forest Ecology and Management 437: 70-86. [PDF]


Fricker, G.A., N.W. Synes, J.M. Serra-Diaz, M.P. North, F.W. Davis, and J. Franklin.  2019.  More than climate?  Predictors of tree canopy height vary with scale in complex terrain, Sierra Nevada, CA (USA).  Forest Ecology and Management 434: 142-153. [PDF]


North, M.P., J.T. Stevens, D.F. Greene, M. Coppoletta, E.E. Knapp, A.M. Latimer, C.M. Restaino, R.E. Tompkins, K.R. Welch, R.A. York, D.J.N. Young, J.N. Axelson, T.N. Buckley, B.L. Estes, R.N. Hager, J.W. Long, M.D. Meyer, S.M. Ostoja, H.D. Safford, K.L. Shive, C.L. Tubbesing, H. Vice, D. Walsh, C.M. Werner, and P. Wyrsch.  2019.  Tamm Review:  Reforestation for resilience in dry western U.S. forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 432: 209-224. [PDF]



Goodwin, M., M. North, H. Zald, and M. Hurteau.  2018. The 15-year post-treatment response of a mixed-conifer understory plant community to thinning and burning treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 429: 617-624. [PDF]


van Wagtendonk, J.W., J.A. Fites-Kaufman, H.D. Safford, M.P. North, and B.M. Collins.  2018.  Sierra Nevada Bioregion.  Pages 249-278 in J.W. van Wagtendonk, N.G. Sugihara, S.L. Stephens, A.E. Thode, K.E. Shaffer, and J.A. Fites-Kaufman (eds) Fire in California’s Ecosystems.  2nd edition. U.C. Press, Oakland, CA. [PDF]


Earles, J.M., J.T. Stevens, O. Sperling, J. Orozco, M.P. North and M.A. Zwieniecki.  2018.  Extreme mid-winter drought weakens tree hydraulic-carbohydrate systems and slows growth.  New Phytologist. 219: 89-97. [PDF]


Smithers, B.V., M.P. North, C.I. Millar, and A.M. Latimer.  2018.  Leap frog in slow motion: Divergent responses of tree species and life stages to climatic warming in Great Basin subalpine forests.  Global Change Biology 24: e442-e457. [PDF]


Lydersen, J.M., M.P. North, and B.M. Collins.  2018.  Rim fire severity in forests with relatively restored frequent fire regimes. Fire Management Today 75: 5-11. [PDF]


Stephens, S.L., B.M. Collins, C.J. Fettig, M.A. Finney, C.M. Hoffman, E.E. Knapp, M.P. North, H. Safford, and R.B. Wayman.  2018.  Drought, tree mortality, and wildfire in forests adapted to frequent fire.  Bioscience. [PDF]


Long, J.W., L.W. Tarnay, and M.P. North. 2018. Aligning smoke management with ecological and public health goals. Journal of Forestry 116: 76-86. [PDF]



Knapp, E.E., J.M. Lydersen, M.P. North, and B.M. Collins. 2017. Efficacy of variable density thinning and prescribed fire for restoring forest heterogeneity to mixed-conifer forest in the central Sierra Nevada, CA. Forest Ecology and Management 406: 228-241. [PDF]


Stevens, J.T., B.M. Collins, J.D. Miller, M.P. North, and S.L. Stephens. 2017. Changing spatial patterns of stand-replacing fire in California conifer forests. Forest Ecology and Management 406: 28-36. [PDF]


North, M.P., J.T. Kane, V.R. Kane, G.P. Asner, W. Berigan, D.J. Churchill, S. Conway, R.J. Gutiérrez, S. Jeronimo, J. Keane, A. Koltunov, T. Mark, M. Moskal, T. Munton, Z. Peery, C. Ramirez, R. Sollmann, A.M. White, S. Whitmore. 2017. Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat. Forest Ecology and Management 405: 166-178. [PDF]


Smithers, B.V., M.P. North, C.I. Millar, and A.M. Latimer. 2017. Leap-frog in slow-motion: divergent response of tree species and life stages to climatic warming in Great Basin sub-alpine forests. Global Change Biology. [PDF]


North, M.P., Schwartz, M.J., Collins, B.M., and Keane, J.J.  2017.  Current and projected condition of mid-elevation Sierra Nevada forests. Chapter 5, pages 109-158 in Bioregional Assessment of the California Spotted Owl.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-254. [PDF]


Peery, M.Z., Gutierrez, R.J., Manley, P.N., Stine, P.A. and North, M.P. 2017.  Synthesis and interpretation of California spotted owl research within the context of public forest management.  Chapter 9, Pages 216-237 in Bioregional Assessment of the California Spotted Owl.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-254. [PDF]


Levine, C.R., C.V. Cogbill, B.M. Collins, A.J. Larson, J.A. Lutz, M.P. North, C.M. Restaino, H.D. Safford, S.L. Stephens, J.J. Battles. 2017. Evaluating a new method of reconstructing forest condition from General Land Office survey records. Ecological Applications 27: 1498-1513. [PDF]


Collins, B.M., J.T. Stevens, J.D. Miller, S.L. Stephens, P.M. Brown, and M.P. North. 2017. Alternative characterization of forest fire regimes: incorporating spatial patterns. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-017-0528-5. [PDF]



Stephens, S. L., J. D. Miller, B. M. Collins, M. P. North, J. J. Keane, and S. L. Roberts. 2016. Wildfire impacts on California spotted owl nesting habitat in the Sierra Nevada. Ecosphere 7(11): e01478. [PDF]


Stevens, J. T., B. M. Collins, J. W. Long, M. P. North, S. J. Prichard, L. W. Tarnay, and A. M. White. 2016. Evaluating potential trade-offs among fuel treatment strategies in mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada. Ecosphere 7(9):e01445. [PDF]


Bohlmann, G., North, M., and Safford, H. 2016. Shrub removal in reforested post-fire areas increases native plant species richness. Forest Ecology and Management 374: 195-210. [PDF]


Stevens, J.T., Safford, H.D., North, M.P., Fried, J.S., Gray, A.N., Brown, P.H., Dolanc, C.R., Dobrowski, S.Z., Falk, D.A., Farris, C.A., Franklin, J.F., Fulé, P.Z., Hagmann, R.K., Knapp, E.E., Miller, J.D., Smith, D.F., Swetnam, T.W., and Taylor, A.H. 2016. Average stand age from forest inventory plots does not describe historical fire regimes in ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forest of western North America. PloS One 11(5): e0147688. [PDF]


Hurteau, M.D., Liang, S., Martin, K.L., North, M.P., Koch, G.W., and Hungate, B.A. 2016. Restoring forest structure and process stabilizes forest carbon in wildfire-prone southwestern ponderosa pine forests. Ecological Applications 26(2): 382-391. [PDF]


Cole, E.M., Hartman, R., and North, M.P. 2016. Hydroperiod and cattle use associated with lower recruitment in an r-selected amphibian with a declining population trend in the Klamath Mountains, California. Journal of Herpetology 50(1): 37-43. [PDF]


Laflower, D.M., Hurteau, M.D., Koch, G.W., North, M.P., and Hungate, B.A. 2016. Climate-driven changes in forest succession and the influence of management on forest carbon dynamics in the Puget Lowlands of Washington State, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 362: 194-204. [PDF]


Earles, J.M., Sperling, O., Silva, L.C., McElrone, A., Brodersen, C., North, M., and Zwieniecki, M. 2016. Bark water uptake promotes localized hydraulic recovery in coastal redwood crown. Plant, Cell & Environment 39: 320-328. [PDF]


North, M., Collins, B., Safford, H., and Stephenson, S. 2016.  Montane Forests. Chapter 27, pages 553-578 in Mooney, H. and Zavelta, E. (eds.) Ecosystems of California, U.C. Press, Berkeley, CA. 984 pp. [PDF]



North, M., Stephens, S., Collins, B., Agee, J., Aplet, G., Franklin, J., and Fulé, P. 2015. Wildfire—Response. Science 350: 920-921. [PDF]


North, M., Stephens, S., Collins, B., Agee, J., Aplet, G., Franklin, J., and Fulé, P. 2015. Reform forest fire management: Agency incentives undermine policy effectiveness. Science 349: 1280-1281. [PDF]


Kane, V.R., Cansler, C.A., Povak, N.A., Kane, J.T., McGaughey, R.J., Lutz, J.A., Churchill, D.J., and North, M.P. 2015. Mixed severity fire effects within the Rim fire: Relative importance of local climate, fire weather, topography and forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management 358: 62-79. [PDF]


Hessburg, P.F, Churchill, D.J., Larson, A.J., Jaugo, R.D., Miller, C., Spies, T.A., North, M.P., Povak, N.A., Belote, R.T., Singleton, P.H., Gaines, W.L., Keane, R.E., Aplet, G.H., Stephens, S.L., Morgain, P., Bisson, P.A., Rieman, B.E., Salter, R.B., Reeves, G.H. 2015. Restoring fire-prone inland Pacific landscapes: seven core principles. Landscape Ecology 30: 1805-1835. [PDF]


Stephens, S.L., North, M.P., and Collins, B.M. 2015. Large wildfires in forests: What can be done? Action Bioscience. [PDF]


Weichmann, M.L., Hurteau, M.D., North, M.P., Koch, G.W., and Jerabkova, L. 2015. The carbon balance of reducing wildfire risk and restoring process: an analysis of 10-year post-treatment carbon dynamics in a mixed-conifer forest. Climate change 132: 709-719. [PDF]


Schwartz, M.W., Butt, N., Dolanc, C.R., Holguin, A., Moritz, M.A., North, M.P., Safford, H.D., Stephenson, N.L., Thorne, J.T., and van Mantgem, P.J. 2015. Increasing elevation of fire in the Sierra Nevada and implications for forest change. Ecosphere 6(7): 1-10. [PDF]


Martin, K.L., M.D. Hurteau, B.A. Hungate, G.W. Koch, and M.P. North. 2015. Carbon tradeoffs of restoration and provision of endangered species habitat in a fire-maintained forest. Ecosystems 18: 76-88. [PDF]


North, M., A. Brough, J. Long, B. Collins, P. Bowden, D. Yasuda, J. Miller and N. Suighara.  2015.  Contraints on mechanized treatment significantly limit mechanical fuels reduction extent in the Sierra Nevada. Journal of Forestry 113: 40-48. [PDF]


Kane, V.R., Lutz, J. A., Cansler, C.A., Povak, N.A., Chruchill, D.J., Smith, D.F., Kane, J.T. and North, M.P.  2015.  Water balance and topography predict fire and forest structure patterns.  Forest Ecology and Management 338: 1-13. [PDF]



Chopping, M., Duchesne, R., and North, M. 2014. Assessing remotely-sensed aboveground biomass estimates in the Sierra National Forest. IGARSS Conference Proceedings 35:1041-1044. [PDF]


Lydersen, J., North, M. and Collins, B.  2014.  Severity of an uncharacteristically large wildfire, the Rim Fire, in forests with relatively restored frequent fire regimes.  Forest Ecology and Management 328: 326-334. [PDF]


Stephens, S.L., Bigelow, S.W., Burnett, R.D., Collins, B.M., Gallagher, C.V., Keane, J., Kelt, D.A., North, M.P., Roberts, S.J., Stine, P.A., Van Vuren, D.H.   California spotted owl, songbird, and small mammal responses to landscape fuel treatments.  Bioscience 64: 893-906. [PDF]


Cole, E. and North, M.  2014.  Environmental influences on amphibian assemblages across subalpine wet meadows in the Klamath Mountains, California.  Herpetologica 70: 135-148. [PDF]


Earles, M., North, M., and Hurteau, M.  2014. Wildfire and drought dynamics destabilize carbon stores of fire-suppressed forests.  Ecological Applications 24: 732-740. [PDF]


Rambo, T., Schowalter, T. and North, M.  2014. Canopy arthropod responses to thinning and burning treatments in old-growth mixed-conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada, California.  Forest Ecology and Management 326: 91-100. [PDF]


Fry, D.L, Stephens, S.L., Collins, B.M, North, M.P., Franco-Vizcaino, E, and Gill, S.J.  2014.  Contrasting spatial patterns in active-fire and fire-suppressed Mediterranean climate old-growth, mixed conifer forests.  PLOS ONE.  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088985. [PDF]


Kane, V., M. North, J. Lutz, D. Churchill, S.L. Roberts, D.F. Smith, R.J. McGaughey, J. Kane, M.L. Brooks.  2014.  Assessing fire effects on forest spatial structure using a fusion of Landsat and airborne LiDAR data in Yosemite National Park.  Remote Sensing of Environment 151: 89-101. [PDF]


Hurteau, M., Robards, T., Stevens, D., Saah, D., North, M. and Koch, G.  2014.  Modeling climate and fuel reduction impacts on forest carbon stocks in Sierran mixed-conifer forest. Forest Ecology and Management 315: 30-42. [PDF]


Bigelow, S.W., Papaik, M.J., Caum, C., and North, M.P.  2014. Faster growth in warmer winters for large trees in a Mediterranean-climate ecosystem.  Climatic Change.DOI 10.1007/s10584-014-1060-0. [PDF]


Long, L., C. Skinner, M. North, P. Winter, B. Zielinski, C. Hunsaker, B. Collins, J. Keane, F. Lake, J. Wright, E. Moghaddas, A. Jardine, K. Hubbert, S. Charnley, T. Patterson, L. Quinn-Davidson, H. Safford.  2014.  Science synthesis to support land and resource management plan revision in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade. USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-247. 737pp. [PDF]


Long, J., Skinner, C., North, M., Hunsaker, C., and L. Quinn-Davidson, L.  2014. Integrative approaches: Promoting socioecological resilience.  Pages 17-54 in J.W. Long, L. Quinn-Davidson, C. Skinner (eds.) Science synthesis to support socioecological resilience in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Range.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-247. 737pp. [PDF]


North, M, Collins, B., Keane, J. Long, J., Skinner, C. and Zielinski, B.  2014.  Synopsis of emergent approaches.  Pages 55-70 in in J.W. Long, L. Quinn-Davidson, C. Skinner (eds.) Science synthesis to support socioecological resilience in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Range.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-247. 737pp. [PDF]


Long, J., Skinner, C. North, M., and Quinn-Davidson, L. 2014.  Research gaps:  Adaptive management to cross-cutting issues.  Pages 83-100 Chapter 1.4 in J.W. Long, L. Quinn-Davidson, C. Skinner (eds.) Science synthesis to support socioecological resilience in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Range.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-247. 737pp. [PDF]


North, M. 2014.  Forest ecology.  Pages 101-126 in J.W. Long, L. Quinn-Davidson, C. Skinner (eds.) Science synthesis to support socioecological resilience in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascade Range.  USDA Forest Service, PSW-GTR-247. 737pp. [PDF]



Knapp, E.E., Skinner, C.N., North, M.P., Estes, B.L.  2013.  Long-term overstory and understory change following logging and fire exclusion in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest.  Forest Ecology and Management 310: 903-914. [PDF]


Stephens, S.L., Agee, J.K., Fulé, P.Z., North, M.P., Romme, W.H., Swetnam, T.W., and Turner, M.G.  2013. Managing forests and fire in changing climates.  Science 342: 41-42. [PDF]


Lydersen, J.M., M.P. North, E.E. Knapp, and B.M. Collins.  2013. Quantifying spatial patterns of tree groups and gaps in mixed-conifer forests: reference conditions and long-term changes following fire suppression and logging.  Forest Ecology and Management 304: 370-382. [PDF]


Minocha, R., S.W. Turlapati, S. Long, and M. North.  2013.  Fuel treatment effects on soil chemistry and foliar physiology of three coniferous species at the Teakettle Experimental Forest, California, USA. Trees—Structure and Function. [PDF]


Hurteau, M.D, B.A. Hungate, G.W. Koch, M.P. North and G.R. Smith.  2013.  Aligning ecology and markets in the forest carbn cycle.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11: 37-42. [PDF]



Lydersen, J. and M. North.  2012. Topographic variation in structure of mixed-conifer forests under an active-fire regime.  Ecosystems 15: 1134-1146.[PDF]


North, M.P., B.M. Collins, and S.L. Stephens.  2012.  Using fire to increase the scale, benefits and future maintenance of fuels treatments.  Journal of Forestry 110: 392-401. [PDF]


Van de Water, K. and M. North.  2012.  Fire regimes, stand structure, fuel loads, and fire behavior in riparian and upland forests, Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA.  Chapter 2806 in Riparian Zones: Protection, Restoration and Ecological Benefits, A. Kerem and H. Har-Even (eds.) Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, NY.  51 p. [PDF]


North, M. (ed.) 2012.  Managing Sierra Nevada Forests. USDA Forest Service, PSW General Technical Report.  PSW-GTR-273. [PDF]


Chopping, M., M. North, J. Chen, C.B. Schaaf, J.B. Blair, J.V. Martonchik, and M. Bull.  2012.  Forest canopy cover and height from MISR in topographically complex southwestern US landscapes assessed with high quality reference data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 5(1): 44-58. [PDF]


North, M.  2012.  Riparian zones pose severe wildfire threat.  California Forests 16: 10-11. [PDF]


North, M. and P. Manley.  2012. Managing forests for wildlife communities.  Pages 73-80 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


Knapp, E., M. North, M. Benech, and B. Estes.  2012.  The variable-density thinning study at Stanislaus-Tuolumne Experimental Forest.  Pages 127-140 in in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237. [PDF]


Walsh, D. and M. North. 2012.  Appendix: Examples of forest structures that may provide wildlife habitat.  Pages 177-184 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


North, M. and J. Sherlock.  2012. Marking and assessing forest heterogeneity.  Pages 95-105 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


North, M., R.M. Boynton, P.A. Stine, K.F. Shipley, E.C. Underwood, N.E. Roth, J.H. Viers, and J.F. Quinn.  2012.  Geographic information system landscape analysis using GTR 220 concepts.  Pages 107-115 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


North, M. and R. Rojas.  2012.  Dinkey North and South project.  Pages 117-125 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


North, M. and P. Stine.  2012.  Clarifying concepts.  Pages 149-164 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


North, M.  2012.  A desired future condition for Sierra Nevada forests.  Pages 165-175 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


Roberts, S. and M. North.  2012.  California spotted owls.  Pages 61-71 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]


Safford, H.D., M. North, and M.D. Meyer.  2012.  Climate change and the relevance of historical forest conditions.  Pages 23-45 in M. North (ed.) Managing Sierra Nevada Forests, General Technical Report PSW-GTR-237.  USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Albany, CA.  184 pp. [PDF]



Bigelow, S., North, M., and Salk, C.  2011.  Using light to predict fuels-reduction and group-selection effects on succession in Sierran mixed-conifer forest.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 2051-2063. [PDF]


Bigelow, S. and M. North.  2011.  Microclimate effects of fuels-reduction and group-selection silviculture: Implications for fire behavior in Sierran mixed-conifer forests.  Forest Ecology and Management 264: 51-59.  [PDF]


Rambo, T. and M. North.  2011.  Influence of fuel-reduction forest thinning on growth of an arboreal forage lichen.  Forest Ecology and Management 263: 208-215. [PDF]


Van de Water, K. and M. North.  2011.  Stand structure, fuel loads, and fire behavior in riparian and upland forests, Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA; a comparison of current and reconstructed conditions.  Forest Ecology and Management 262: 215-228. [PDF]


North, M.P. and M.D. Hurteau.  2011.  High-severity wildfire effects on carbon stocks and emissions in fuels treated and untreated forest.  Forest Ecology and Management 261: 115-1120. [PDF]



Underwood, E.C., J.H. Viers, J.F. Quinn, and M. North.  2010.  Using topography to meet wildlife and fuels treatment objectives in fire-suppressed landscapes.  Journal of Environmental Management 46: 809-819. [PDF]


Hurteau, M. and M. North.  2010. Carbon recovery rates following different wildfire risk mitigation treatments.  Forest Ecology and Management 260: 930-937. [PDF]


Stanley, S., B. Kauffman, M. North, A. Thirathon, B. Flaming, and D. Lawrence.  2010. Asia Regional REDD Program Planning Assessment.  USAID publications.  89pp. [PDF]


Van de Water, K. and M. North.  2010.  Fire history of coniferous riparian forests in the Sierra Nevada.  Forest Ecology and Management 260: 384-395. [PDF]


North, M., P. Stine, W. Zielinski, K. O’Hara, and S. Stephens.  2010.  Harnessing fire for wildlife.  The Wildlife Professional 4: 30-33. [PDF]



Ma, S., A. Concilio, B. Oakley, M. North, and J. Chen.  2009. Spatial variability in microclimate in a mixed-conifer forest before and after thinning and burning treatments.  Forest Ecology and Management 259: 904-915. [PDF]


North, M.P., K.M. van de Water, S.L. Stephens, and B.M. Collins.  2009.  Climate, rain shadow, and human-use influences on fire regimes in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, USA.  Fire Ecology 5(3): 17-31. [PDF]


Hanson, C. and M. North.  2009.  Postfire survival and flushing in three Sierra Nevada conifers with high initial crown scorch.  International Journal of Wildland Fire 18: 857–864. [PDF]


Bigelow, S.W., M.P. North, and W.R. Horwath.  2009.  Resource-Dependent Growth Models for Sierran Mixed-Conifer Saplings.  The Open Forest Science Journal 2: 31-40. [PDF]


Hurteau, M. and M. North.  2009.  Fuel treatment effects on tree-based forest carbon storage and emissions under modeled wildfire scenarios.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  7: 409-414. [PDF]


Hurteau, M., M. North, and T. Foines.  2009.  Modeling the influence of precipitation and nitrogen deposition on forest understory fuel connectivity in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest.  Ecological Modelling 220: 2460-2468. [PDF]


North, M., M. Hurteau, and J. Innes.  2009. Fire suppression and fuels treatment effects on mixed-conifer carbon stocks and emissions.  Ecological Applications 19: 1385-1396. [PDF]


North, M., P. Stine, K. O’Hara, W. Zielinski, and S. Stephens.  2009.  An ecosystem management strategy for Sierran mixed-conifer forests.  USDA Forest Service, PSW General Technical Report.  PSW-GTR-220 2nd edition including addendum. [PDF]


Soung-Ryoul, R., A. Concilio, J. Chen, M. North, and S. Ma.  2009. Prescribed burning and mechanical thinning Effects on belowground conditions and soil respiration in a mixed-conifer forest, California.  Forest Ecology and Management 257: 1324–1332. [PDF]


Hurteau, M. and M. North.  2009. Response of Arnica dealbata to climate change, nitrogen deposition, and fire.  Plant Ecology 202: 191-194. [PDF]


Rambo, T. and M. North. 2009. Canopy microclimate response to pattern and density of thinning in a Sierra Nevada forest. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 435-442. [PDF]


Concilio, M., J. Chen, S. Ma, and M. North.  2009.  Precipitation drives interannual variation in summer soil respiration in a Mediterranean-climate, mixed-conifer forest.  Climatic Change 92: 109-122. [PDF]



North, M. and W. Keeton. 2008. Emulating natural disturbance regimes: an emerging approach for sustainable forest management. Chapter 17 in R. Lafortezza, J. Chen, G. Sanesi, and T. Crow (eds. ) Landscape Ecology: Sustainable Management of Forest Landscapes, Springer-Verlag Press. Pages 341-372. [PDF]


Meyer, M., M. North, and S. Roberts. 2008. Truffle abundance in recently prescribed burned and unburned forests in Yosemite National Park:  Implications for mycophagous mammals. Fire Ecology 4: 24-33. [PDF]


Hanson, C.T. and M.P. North.  2008.  Postfire woodpecker foraging in salvage-logged and unlogged forests of the Sierra Nevada.  Condor 110: 777-782. [PDF]


Rambo, T. and M. North. 2008. Spatial and temporal variability of canopy microclimate in a Sierra Nevada riparian forest. Northwest Science 82: 259-268. [PDF]


Plamboeck, A., M. North, and T. Dawson. 2008. Conifer seedling survival under closed-canopy and manzanita patches in the Sierra Nevada. Madrono 55: 193-203. [PDF]


Maloney, P., T. Smith, C. Jensen, J. Innes, D. Rizzo, and M. North. 2008. Initial tree mortality, and insect and pathogen response to fire and thinning restoration treatments in an old growth, mixed-conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada, California. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 3011-3020. [PDF]


Zald, H., A. Gray, M. North, and R. Kern. 2008. Initial tree regeneration responses to fire and thinning treatments in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 168-179. [PDF]


Hurteau, M. and M. North. 2008. Mixed-conifer understory response to climate, nitrogen, and fire. Global Change Biology 14:1543-1552. [PDF]



Meyer, M., D. Kelt, and M. North. 2007. Effects of burning and thinning on lodgepole chipmunks (Neotamias speciosus) in the Sierra Nevada, California. Northwestern Naturalist 88: 61-72. [PDF]


Meyer, M., M. North, A. Gray, and H. Zald. 2007. Influence of soil thickness on stand characteristics in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest. Plant and Soil 294: 113-123. [PDF]


Hurteau, M., H. Zald, and M. North. 2007. Species-specific response to climate reconstruction in upper-elevation mixed-conifer forests of the western Sierra Nevada, California, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1681-1691. [PDF]


North, M., J. Innes, and H. Zald. 2007. Comparison of thinning and prescribed fire restoration treatments to Sierran mixed-conifer historic conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 331-342. [PDF]


Plamboeck, A. H., T. E. Dawson, L. M. Egerton-Warburton, M. North, T. D. Bruns, and J. I. Querejeta. 2007. Water transfer via ectomycorrhizal fungal hyphae to conifer seedlings. Mycorrhiza 17: 439-447. [PDF]


Meyer, M. D., M. P. North, and D. A. Kelt. 2007. Nest trees of northern flying squirrels in Yosemite National Park, California. The Southwestern Naturalist 52: 157-161. [PDF]


Wayman, R. and M. North. 2007. Initial response of a mixed-conifer understory plant community to burning and thinning restoration treatments. Forest Ecology and Management 239: 32-44. [PDF]


Meyer, M., D. Kelt, and M. North. 2007. Microhabit associations of northern flying squirrels in burned and thinned stands of the Sierra Nevada. American Midland Naturalist 157: 202-211. [PDF]



Innes, J., M. North, and N. Williamson. 2006. Effect of thinning and prescribed fire restoration treatments on woody debris and snag dynamics in a Sierran old-growth mixed-conifer forest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 3183-3193. [PDF]


North, M. and A. Rosenthal. 2006. Restoring forest health:  Fire and thinning effects on mixed-conifer forests. USDA PSW Science Perspective 7. [PDF]


Oakley, B., M. North, and J. Franklin. 2006. Facilitative and competitive effects of a N-fixing shrub on white fir saplings. Forest Ecology and Management 233: 100-107. [PDF]


Concilio, A., S. Rhu, S. Ma, M. North, and J. Chen. 2006. Soil respiration response to experimental disturbances over three years. Forest Ecology and Management 228: 82-90. [PDF]


Hanson, C. and M. North. 2006. Post-fire epicormic branching in Sierra Nevada Abies concolor (white fir). International Journal of Wildland Fire 15: 31-35. [PDF]



Concilio, A., S. Ma, Q. Li, J. LeMoine, J. Chen, M. North, D. Moorhead, and R. Jensen. 2005. Soil respiration response to prescribed burning and thinning in mixed conifer and hardwood forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 1581–1591. [PDF]


Meyer, M. D. and M. North. 2005. Truffle abundance in riparian and upland forests of California’s southern Sierra Nevada. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 1015-1020. [PDF]


Meyer, M. D., M. P. North, and D. A. Kelt. 2005. Short-term effects of fire and forest thinning on truffle abundance and consumption by Neotamias speciosus in the southern Sierra Nevada of California. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 1061-1070. [PDF]


Meyer, M., D. Kelt, and M. North. 2005. Nest trees of northern flying squirrels in the Sierra Nevada. Journal of Mammalogy 86: 275-280. [PDF]


North, M., B. Oakley, R. Fiegener, A. Gray, and M. Barbour. 2005. Influence of light and soil moisture on Sierran mixed-conifer understory communities. Plant Ecology 177(1): 13-24. [PDF]


Meyer, M. D., M. North, and D. A. Kelt. 2005. Fungi in the diets of northern flying squirrels and lodgepole chipmunks in the Sierra Nevada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 1581-1589. [PDF]


North, M. and J. Chen. 2005. Introduction to the Teakettle Special Issue. Forest Science 51(3): 185-186. [PDF]


North, M., M. Hurteau, R. Fiegener, and M. Barbour. 2005. Influence of fire and El Niño on tree recruitment varies by species in Sierran mixed conifer. Forest Science 51(3): 187-197. [PDF]


Gray, A., H. Zald, R. Kern, and M. North. 2005. Stand conditions associated with tree regeneration in Sierran mixed-conifer forests. Forest Science 51(3): 198-210. [PDF]


Ma, S., J. Chen, J. Butnor, M. North, E. Euskirchen, and B. Oakley. 2005. Biophysical controls on soil respiration in the dominant patch types of an old-growth, mixed-conifer forest. Forest Science 51(3): 221-232. [PDF]


Izzo, A. D., M. D. Meyer, J. M. Trappe, M. North, and T. Bruns. 2005. Hypogeous ectomycorrhizal fungal species on roots and in small mammal diet in a mixed-conifer forest. Forest Science 51(3): 243-254. [PDF]


Smith, T., D. Rizzo, and M. North. 2005. Patterns of Mortality in an Old-Growth Mixed-Conifer Forest of the Southern Sierra Nevada, California. Forest Science 51(3): 266-275. [PDF]



Oakley, B., M. North, J. Franklin, B. Hedlund, and J. Staley. 2004. Diversity and distribution of Frankia strains symbiotic with Ceanothus in California. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70: 6444-6452. [PDF]


North, M., J. Chen, B. Oakley, B. Song, M. Rudnicki, A. Gray, and J. Innes. 2004. Forest stand structure and pattern of old-growth western hemlock/Douglas-fir and mixed-conifer forest. Forest Science 50(3): 299-311. [PDF]


Chen, J., B. Song, M. Rudnicki, M. Moeur, K. Bible, M. North, D.C. Shaw, J.F. Franklin, and D.M. Braun. 2004. Spatial relationship of biomass and species distribution in an old-growth Pseudotsuga-Tsuga forest. Forest Science 50(3): 364-375. [PDF]


Ma, S., J. Chen, M. North, H. Erickson, M. Bresee, and J. Le Moine. 2004. Short-term effects of experimental treatments on soil respiration in an old-growth, mixed-conifer forest. Environmental Management 33(1): 148-159. [PDF]



Oakley B., M. North, and J. Franklin. 2003 The effects of fire on soil nitrogen associated with patches of the actinorhizal shrub Ceanothus cordulatus. Plant and Soil 254: 35-46. [PDF]



North, M. 2002. The Teakettle Experiment. pp 47-54 in Jared Verner (tech. editor). Proceedings of a Symposium on the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystems Project: Progress and Current Status. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report, PSW-GTR-183. [PDF]


North, M., B. Oakley, J. Chen, H. Erickson, A. Gray, A. Izzo, D. Johnson, S. Ma, J. Marra, M. Meyer, K. Purcell, T. Rambo, B. Roath, D. Rizzo, and T. Schowalter. 2002. Vegetation and ecological characteristics of mixed-conifer and red-fir forests at the Teakettle Experimental Forest. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report, PSW-GTR-186. [PDF]


North, M. 2002. Seasonality and abundance of truffles from oak woodlands to red fir forests. p 91-98 in Jared Verner (tech. editor). Proceedings of a Symposium on the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystems Project: Progress and Current Status. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report, PSW-GTR-183. [PDF]


North, M. 2002. Environmental factors associated with Spotted Owl reproduction. pp 117-120 in Jared Verner (tech. editor). Proceedings of a Symposium on the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystems Project: Progress and Current Status. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station General Technical Report, PSW-GTR-183. [PDF]



North, M.  2001.  Ecological zone of influence:  Terrestrial considerations.  Pages 48-56 in Defining Ecological Zones of Influence to Giant Sequoia Ecology from Proposed Management Activities on the Sequoia National Forest.  USDA Forest Service Sequoia National Forest Report.



North, M., G. Steger, R. Denton, G. Eberlein, T. Munton, and K. Johnson. 2000. Association of weather and nest-site structure with reproductive success in California spotted owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 64: 797-807. [PDF]


Lyons, B., N. Nadkarni, and M. North. 2000. Spatial distribution and succession of epiphytes on Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) in old-growth Douglas-fir forest. Canadian Journal of Botany 78: 957-968. [PDF]



North, M., J. Franklin, A. Carey, E. Forsman, and T. Hamer. 1999. Forest structure of the northern spotted owl’s foraging habitat. Forest Science 45: 520-527. [PDF]


Van Pelt, B. and M. North. 1999. Testing a ground-based canopy model using the Wind River Canopy Crane. Selbyana 20: 357-362. [PDF]


North, M. P. and J. Greenburg. 1998. Stand conditions associated with truffle abundance in western hemlock/Douglas-fir forests. Forest Ecology and Management 112: 55-66. [PDF]


North, M. P., J. Trappe, and J. Franklin. 1997. Standing crop and animal consumption of fungal sporocarps in Pacific Northwest forests. Ecology 78: 1543-1554. [PDF]


Peterson, G., S. E.  Pope, G. A. De Leo, M. A. Janssen, J. R. Malcolm, J. M. Parody, G. Hood, and M. North.  1997.  Ecology, Ethics and Advocacy.  Conservation Ecology 1(1). Invited participant in the inaugural issue of an internet publication and forum discussion. (http://www.consecol.org/Journal/vol1/iss1/art17/) [PDF]


North, M.P.  1996.  Viewing nature through filters.  Book review of W. Cronin (ed.), Uncommon ground: Toward reinventing nature. [PDF]


North, M. P. and J. Reynolds. 1996. Microhabitat analysis using radio telemetry locations and polytomous logistic regression. Journal of Wildlife Management 60(3): 639-653. [PDF]


North, M. P., J. Chen, G. Smith, and L. Krakowiak. 1996. Initial response of understory plant diversity and overstory tree diameter growth to a green tree retention harvest. Northwest Science 70(1): 24-35. [PDF]


Van Pelt, B. and M. P. North. 1996. Analyzing canopy structure in Pacific Northwest old-growth forests using a stand-scale crown model. Northwest Science 70 (special issue): 15-30. [PDF]


North, M.P.  1995.  Virgin forests and endangered species:  The northern spotted owl and the Mt. Graham red squirrel.  Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology.  Invited chapter.  Academic Press.  San Diego, CA., pp. 447-461. [PDF]


North, M. P. and J. M. Trappe. 1994. Small mammal exclosures for studies of hypogeous fungi. Mycologia 86: 583-585. [PDF]


North, M.  1993.  Stand structure and truffle abundance associated with northern spotted owl habitat.  University of Washington, Seattle.  PhD dissertation.


North, M.P. and J.F. Franklin.  1992.  Stand structure of multi-age spotted owl habitat. The Northwest Environmental Journal 8: 229-230.


North, M.P. and J.F. Franklin.  1990.  Post-disturbance legacies that enhance biological diversity in a Pacific Northwest old-growth forest.  The Northwest Environmental Journal 6: 427-429.


Morrison, P., C. Milner, D. Schmidt, D. Kelso, D. Leversee, H. Greenway, M. North, G. Odenthal, S. Clarke, E. Moore, J. Eby, T. Young, R. Johnson, H. Spaulding, L. Potash, B. Fries. 1990.  Ancient forest on the Olympic National Forest: Analysis from a historical and landscape perspective.  The Wilderness Society.


North, M.P.  1990.  Old-growth research areas of the Department of Natural Resources.  Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources Publication 256, 59pp.


Key words: University of California, Davis, UC Davis, Malcolm North Lab, Forest ecology, Fire ecology